Have you ever heard a story about Luqman and his son? Well, the story is very meaningful to me.
One day, Luqman and his son went to a village. His son was riding a camel while luqman was walking along the way. The villagers saw them and said, "His son is so rude! The son supposed to give priority to his father, let his father rides the camel." When luqman heard that, he changed the position with his son. He used to ride the camel while his son began walking. After awhile, there was another villager talking about them. 'Oh that man is really cruel. How come he can let his son walking while he comfortably riding on the camel." Then luqman said to his son, "let's together ride on the camel." They continued their way toward the destination. Unfortunately, they met another villager that complained, "hey camel is an animal! You are persecuting it!". Luqman and his son get confused. Finally, both of them were walking and neither luqman nor his son rode on the camel. Another villager saw them and said, "i wonder why they dont ride the camel. Allah already gave them facility(a camel) but why they choose to walk instead of riding it." And luqman and his son , i guess they replied 'whatever'
MasyaAllah. Can you just imagine how could we live our life if everytime we try hard to please everyone in this world? We will definitely get exhausted right? But what we can do is pleasing Allah and our parents. InsyaAllah, our life will be eased by Him.
Actually i just went back from Sains Selangor(SMSS). Halaqah seseri punya naqibah invited me to join the halaqah in smss. Alhamdulillah i learnt something new today. im really inspired by one of smss's alumni , called ujie. She used to share her first experience joining halaqah in smss. She joined halaqah since she was in form3. She made herself free to come to the surau. Literally not many students joined the halaqah those days. Until now, she constantly joins halaqah because she believed that Islam will win in the end. So she wants our generation to be part of the islamic victory. I adore the way she conveyed her messages. Hope to meet her again, insyaAllah.
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